Australia (Norilsk Nickel Cawse)
Honeymoon Well Development Project
In 2016, geological exploration under the Company’s Australia licences focused on the Honeymoon Well Nickel Project (Wedgetail, Hannibals, Harrier, Corella and Harakka Fields) and prospective Albion Downs North and Albion Downs South Areas.
The geological exercise featuring drilling operations identified a sulphide nickel mineralisation on the flanks and deep horizons of the Wedgetail Field. The results served as the basis for a feasibility study of the potential Wedgetail mining. The Company also completed a technological research programme aimed at determining the talc content in ores mined at the Hannibals Field and assessing its impact on the processes.
In 2016, to further assess the potential of Albion Downs North, the Company launched electromagnetic geophysical ground surveys and desktop studies of chemical analytical data obtained earlier. The results were used to estimate the West Jordan site’s resources and conduct a feasibility study for open-pit mining.