Kola Peninsula (Kola MMC)

Severny Mine was allotted to develop Pechenga ore fields (the Kola Peninsula), including Zhdanovskoye, Zapolyarnoye, Kotselvaara-Kammikivi, and Semiletka (Kaula-Kotselvaara mine) Fields. In addition to those, Severny Mine’s allotment also embraces Sputnik, Bystrinskoye, Tundrovoye, and Verkhneye Fields.
The copper-nickel reserves of Zhdanovskoye, Zapolyarnoye, Kotselvaara-Kammikivi and Semiletka were further explored and assigned higher classification categories.
In the long term, the Kola Peninsula’s available mineral resource base will allow Norilsk Nickel to maintain its current level of metal output.
1 According to the classification of reserves and prognostic resources of solid minerals approved by Order No. 278 of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment dated 11 December 2006
2 At the Zhdanovskoye, Zapolyarnoye, Kotselvaara-Kammikivi and Semiletka Fields