Energy efficiency

The Norilsk Nickel Group’s major production assets are located beyond the Arctic Circle with air temperature below the freezing point during eight months of the year. It is therefore critical for the Group to ensure reliable and high-quality power supply to its enterprises, as well as to the infrastructure facilities and population in the regions where it operates.

In 2016, Norilskgazprom implemented a number of organisational arrangements and upgrades of its key power equipment as part of the Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Programme, which enabled the saving of 25 mln cubic meters of natural gas.

Energy consumption by PJSC “MMC “NORILSK NICKEL” No others types of energy resources were used besides those specified in the table. 3
Type of energy resource 2016
Consumption in volume terms Consumption, thousand RUB
Heat power, Gcal 5,587,849 4,594,881
Electric power, thousand kWh 5,158,974 5,259,718
Motor fuel, t 344 17,797
Diesel fuel, t 58,671 2,657,599
Heating oil, t 40,479 582,489
Natural gas, thousand cubic meters 545,712 1,363,718
Coal, t 0 0
Aviation fuel, t 115 5,008

The Company also uses electric power generated from renewable energy sources at NTEK’s Ust-Khantayskaya and Kureyskaya HPPs (installed capacity of 441 MW and 600 MW, respectively).

In 2016, the share of renewable energy stood at 25% for the Norilsk Nickel Group and 38% for its Polar Division.

In 2017–2020, the Company will continue to renovate and upgrade the main power equipment and transmission devices along with waste water treatment systems.

Energy consumption by Norilsk Nickel Group No others types of energy resources were used besides those specified in the table. 4
Type of energy resource 2014 2015 2016
Consumption in volume terms Consumption, thousand RUB Consumption in volume terms Consumption, thousand RUB Consumption in volume terms Consumption, thousand RUB
Heat power, Gcal 8,970,953 7,542,227 8,523,826 6,856,778 8,800,391 6,972,592
Electric power, thousand kWh 9,558,443 12,947,152 10,314,243 12,886,849 10,357,673 11,751,583
Motor fuel, t 2,636 114,547 2,543 90,760 2,473 90,177
Diesel fuel, t 134,436 5,172,394 132,696 4,693,653 134,478 4,358,366
Heating oil, t 256,905 2,262,086 245,237 2,422,476 249,146 2,955,766
Natural gas, thousand cubic meters 3,357,366 8,386,866 3,225,467 7,619,982 3,772,668 8,374,359
Coal, tonnes 94,746 222,096 161,945 254,454 171,347 262,397
Aviation fuel, t 96,621 2,910,683 76,767 2,432,656 80,580 2,560,469

1 Strategic report

2 Environmental Protection

3 No others types of energy resources were used besides those specified in the table.

4 No others types of energy resources were used besides those specified in the table.